Package abbot.util

Interface Summary
Condition Abstract a condition test.

Class Summary
AWT Various AWT utilities to facilitate component-oriented operations.
AWTFixtureHelper Provides various facilities for setting up, using, and tearing down a test involving UI components.
Bugs Provides extant bug characterization of the current platform.
EDTExceptionCatcher Provide access to the most recent exception caught on the event dispatch thread.
EventDispatchExceptionHandler Handler for uncaught exceptions on any event dispatch thread.
EventNormalizer Provide an AWTEventListener which normalizes the event stream.
ExtendedComparator Utility class to perform comparisons.
InputStreamHandler Handle process output.
Launcher Mail and browser launcher which augments Runtime.exec methods.
NamedTimer Prevents misbehaving TimerTasks from canceling the timer thread by throwing exceptions and/or errors.
NonDelegatingClassLoader Provides support for loading a class before checking the parent class loader for it.
PathClassLoader Provide a class loader that loads from a custom path.
ProcessOutputHandler Provides handling of process output/error streams.
Reflector Utility for performing some common reflection tasks.
Regexp Simple wrapper around the more fully-featured RE class.
SingleThreadedEventListener Provide an AWTEventListener which ensures all events are handled on the event dispatch thread.
SystemState Preserve and restore system state.
Tee Splits a PrintStream into two targets.
ThreadTerminatingSecurityManager Provides a method for terminating threads over which you otherwise have no control.
WeakAWTEventListener Provides add-and-forget listening to the AWT event queue.

Exception Summary

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