Package abbot.tester

Provide component-specific actions and tests.


Interface Summary
AWTConstants Provides shared UI- and action-related constants.
KeyStrokeMapProvider Provides read/write of local-specific mappings for virtual keycode-based KeyStrokes to characters and vice versa.

Class Summary
ButtonTester Provides Button activation support, since otherwise AWT buttons cannot be activated in AWT mode.
CheckboxTester Provides Checkbox activation support, since otherwise AWT buttons cannot be activated in AWT mode.
ChoiceTester AWT Choice (ComboBox/picklist) support.
ComponentLocation Provides encapsulation of a visible Component-relative location.
ComponentTester Provides basic programmatic operation of a Component and related UI objects such as windows, menus and menu bars throuh action methods.
ContainerTester Hierarchy placeholder for Container.
FileComparator Compare two files or filenames.
FileDialogTester Tester for the java.awt.FileDialog.
ImageComparator This code expects the availability of the com.sun.image.codec.jpeg extensions from the Sun JDK 1.3 or JRE.
InputState Class to keep track of a given input state.
JButtonTester Provides action methods and assertions for JButtons.
JComboBoxTester JComboBoxTester for testing JComboBox instances.
JComponentTester Provides auto-scrolling prior to events for JComponent-derived classes.
JFileChooserTester Tester for the JFileChooser.
JLabelTester Provides action methods and assertions for JLabels.
JListLocation Provides encapsulation of the location of a row on a JList (a coordinate, item index or value).
JListTester Provide actions and assertions for a JList component.
JMenuItemTester Provide action methods and assertions for JMenuItems.
JPopupMenuTester Provides access to JPopupMenu contents.
JRootPaneTester Hierarchy placeholder for JRootPane.
JScrollBarTester Provides user actions on a JScrollPane.
JSliderTester Provides access to all user actions on a JSlider.
JSpinnerTester Provides access to all user actions on a JSpinner.
JSplitPaneTester Provides user actions on a JSplitPane.
JTabbedPaneLocation Provides encapsulation of a location on a JTabbedPane (notably a tab).
JTabbedPaneTester Provides user actions on a JTabbedPane.
JTableHeaderLocation Provides encapsulation of the location of a col on a JTableHeader (a coordinate, item index or value).
JTableHeaderTester Provide table header location support, mostly.
JTableLocation Provides encapsulation of a location on a JTable (notably a row).
JTableTester Provide user actions on a JTable.
JTextComponentTester Provides actions and assertions JTextComponent-based components.
JTextFieldTester Provides actions and assertions JTextField-based components.
JTreeLocation Provides encapsulation of a visible location on a JTree.
JTreeTester Provide operations on a JTree component.
KeyStrokeMap Provides read of local-specific mappings for virtual keycode-based KeyStrokes to characters and vice versa.
ListLocation Provides encapsulation of the location of a row on a List (a coordinate, item index or value).
ListTester Provides actions for java.awt.List.
MapGenerator Provides read/write of locale-specific mappings for virtual keycode-based KeyStrokes to characters and vice versa.
Robot Provide a higher level of abstraction for user input (A Better Robot).
RobotVerifier Provides methods to verify that the robot on the current platform works properly.
TextComponentTester Provides user actions for TextComponent-derived components.
WindowTester Provides user actions on a Window.
WindowTracker Keep track of all known root windows, and all known showing/hidden/closed windows.

Exception Summary
ActionFailedException Indicates that a ComponentTester action failed to execute properly.
ComponentMissingException Indicates that a component required by a ComponentTester action was not found.
ComponentNotShowingException Indicates that a ComponentTester action failed due to the component not being visible on screen.
LocationUnavailableException Indicates that a location can't be provided.

Package abbot.tester Description

Provide component-specific actions and tests. Each unique class of GUI component can have its own Tester class derived from ComponentTester. This class provides any number of action methods which can exercise the various user semantic actions that the GUI component supports. For example, AbstractButtonTester provides the AbstractButtonTester.actionClick(java.awt.Component) method to perform a button click. The Tester may also provide bean-like is/get methods to facilitate access to component properties that might not otherwise be readily available as a property. For example, JPopupMenuTester has a JPopupMenuTester.getMenuLabels(java.awt.Component) method which returns the text of the menu items within it as an array of String.


Provides maps between keystrokes and resulting typed characters, so that for any given key character, the keystroke required to produce it may be looked up. The maps are properties files where the keys are a combination of keycodes and modifiers. In the case of multiple keystrokes mapping to the same character, a modifier suffix of zero will take precedence over others, but otherwise you might get any valid keystroke which produces the character.

Each property key comprises a keycode represented by the suffix of KeyEvent.VK_ constant, a period, and an integer modifier mask (0/shift, 1/control, 2/meta, or 8/alt). The value is either the hex value of the resulting character, or one of {illegal, system, untyped}. "Illegal" means an IllegalArgumentException is thrown if the value is used, "system" means that the key caused the key mapping application to lose keyboard focus, and "untyped" means that no keychar input was produced.

The name/value pairs in the keymap files are sorted to facilitate diffs. If keymaps differ for the same locale/OS, then non-producing values should take precedence over defined values, provided there exists at least one keystroke in the file for producing the given value. Only values defined across all keymaps for a given locale/OS should be used to avoid using any invalid keystrokes.

There is a keymap generator which generates these maps for the current locale and OS.

See Also:

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