Package abbot.editor.recorder

Provide recording support for component-specific user actions.


Interface Summary
SemanticEvents Provide mnemonic constants for different types of semantic events.

Class Summary
AbstractButtonRecorder Record basic semantic events you might find on an AbstractButton.
ButtonRecorder Record simple clicks on a Button component.
CheckboxRecorder Record basic click a Checkbox component.
ChoiceRecorder Record basic semantic events you might find on an Choice component.
ComponentRecorder Record basic semantic events you might find on any component.
ContainerRecorder Record basic semantic events you might find on an Container.
DialogRecorder Record basic semantic events you might find on an Window.
EventRecorder Provides recording of raw AWT events and high-level semantic events.
FileDialogRecorder Recorder for the java.awt.FileDialog.
FrameRecorder Record basic semantic events you might find on an Window.
JComboBoxRecorder Record basic semantic events you might find on an JComboBox.
JComponentRecorder Record basic semantic events you might find on an JComponent.
JInternalFrameRecorder Handle the recording of events related to an internal frame (JInternalFrame).
JListRecorder Record basic semantic events you might find on an JList.
JMenuItemRecorder Override AbstractButton behavior, since we expect to grab a menu selection instead of a click.
JTabbedPaneRecorder Record basic semantic events you might find on an JTabbedPane.
JTableRecorder Record basic semantic events you might find on an JTable.
JTextComponentRecorder Record basic semantic events you might find on an JTextComponent.
JTreeRecorder Record basic semantic events you might find on an JTree.
Recorder The Recorder provides a mechanism for recording an event stream and generating a sequence of script steps from that stream.
SemanticRecorder Template for recording AWTEvents and converting them into an appropriate semantic event.
WindowRecorder Record basic semantic events you might find on an Window.

Exception Summary

Package abbot.editor.recorder Description

Provide recording support for component-specific user actions. Recorders capture a raw event stream and turn it into a ComponentTester action method. This group of classes is designed to recognize and capture a distinct semantic event from basic OS events as they are generated by the system or the user. For example, the AbstractButtonRecorder waits for button press, release, and click events in any class derived from AbstractButton in the tested GUI, saving them as a "Click" action (which is provided by the base AbstractButtonTester class).

Each unique class of GUI component can have its own recorder class derived from ComponentRecorder. This class provides a framework for parsing basic input events into a conception action on a given component class. For example, JComboBoxRecorder converts a user's combo selection into a script step encapsulating the JComboBoxTester.actionSelectIndex(Component,int index) method to perform a combo box selection.

Recorders are used within the script editor by EventRecorder, but the that class is designed for use by any framework that wishes to capture and parse events.

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