Package abbot.editor

Provides support for editing Abbot test scripts.


Interface Summary
EditorConstants Provide Editor action key names and menu keys.

Class Summary
CompactHierarchy Provides a condensed, more easily readable version of the original hierarchy.
ComponentBrowser Browse an existing component hierarchy.
ComponentNode Provides a JTree-compatible node model for displaying a given hierarchy.
ComponentTree Provides a Tree view into a given Hierarchy of components.
ComponentTreeIcons Provides JTree icons for different Components.
Costello Simple splash screen for the script editor.
CustomCheckBoxMenuItem A custom JCheckBoxMenuItem that listens to the selected state of its toggle action, reflecting its state when the action changes.
EditorContext Provide a transport for the editor context.
FileSystemHelper This class is provided as part of the EditorContext object and allows the editor to make certain request of the ownining context.
HierarchyWriter Provides support for writing out a GUI hierarchy as XML.
LookAndFeelPreserver Preserves the current LAF for a given component hierarchy.
OSXAdapter Provide access to OSX application hooks.
ReferenceAttributeModel Provides a table model for ComponentReference attributes.
ReferencesModel Formats a list of ComponentReferences for display in a table.
ScriptEditor This is the 'model' behind the script editor UI.
ScriptEditorFrame Provides the primary frame for the Costello script editor.
ScriptModel Formats a Script for display in a table.
ScriptTable Provides a component to edit a test script.
TestSelector A test class selector.
TestSelector.TestCellRenderer Renders TestFailures in a JList

Package abbot.editor Description

Provides support for editing Abbot test scripts.

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